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Why should the dry power transformer core be grounded

When the dry power transformer is in normal operation, the core must have a reliable grounding. If there is no grounding, the suspension voltage of the core to the ground will cause the core to intermittently break through the discharge, and the core is g

Maintenance of American box substation

After the American box-type substation is installed and used, there is basically no maintenance, but the products produced in China are indispensable for the maintenance of the box due to various reasons.
Due to the surface treatment technical problems o

Treatment measures for rusted dry power transformer

Dry  power transformers are used in many industries, especially in industries such as construction and agricultural miners.
After the dry distribution transformer is rusted, it is necessary to carefully perform the descaling operation, and know how to ch

How to troubleshoot oil-immersed transformers

In the event of an oil-immersed transformer failure, it is necessary to carefully observe and discover that some small faults of the oil-immersed distribution transformer can be solved. Today, I will teach you some repair techniques to help you operate oi

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