However, due to the stringent certification standards, many companies have only obtained one or even none, and ZTELEC has obtained three.

ISO 9001 was transformed from the world's first quality management system standard BS 5750 (BSI). ISO 9001 is by far the most mature quality framework in the world, and more than 750,000 organizations in 161 countries worldwide are working on Use this framework. ISO 9001 sets standards not only for the quality management system but also for the overall management system. It helps organizations to succeed through customer satisfaction improvement, employee motivation, and continuous improvement.

The ISO14001 certification is applicable to any organization, including enterprises, undertakings, and related government agencies. After certification, the organization can prove that the organization has achieved international standards in environmental management and can ensure that all types of pollutants in the company's processes, products, and activities are controlled. Relevant requirements will help enterprises establish a good social image.

The OHSAS 18000 series of standards is an international standard jointly launched by 13 organizations such as the British Standards Institute (BSI) and the Norwegian Classification Society (DNV) in 1999. It has played a role of quasi-international standards when ISO has not yet been established. The OHSAS18001 standard is a certification standard. It is the basis for establishing an occupational health and safety management system for an organization (enterprise), and it is also the main basis for an enterprise to carry out certification audits by internal auditing and certification organizations.
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