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The difference between FR-3 CCL and FR-4 CCL

The epoxy paper substrate is a paper-based copper clad laminate using an epoxy resin as a binder. It is slightly better than FR-l in electrical and mechanical properties. Its main product model is FR-3, and the market is mostly in Europe.

Mine distribution transformer routine maintenance

Manufacturers of mining distribution transformers not only manufacture transformers, but also maintain transformers. If the mining transformer is not maintained, it cannot exert such important performance and characteristics. The management of the distrib

Chinese Valentine's Day

Today is the Chinese Lunar calendar, the seventh of July.
Chinese valentine's day
There is a love story hidden here.

How Phase Shifting Rectifier Transformer works

Phase Shifting Rectifier Transformer is the power transformer for rectifier equipment. The rectification device is characterized by the original input current, and the secondary side outputs DC after rectifying the original. Converter is a general term fo

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